For our latest COVID-19 safe programs, see http://geoteaming.com/programs.

Since I live in Seattle, I wanted to give you my personal perspective on what’s happening at the Coronavirus epicenter.

In less than 2 weeks, the following has happened (and this is small iota):

* 8 (3/12/2020), now 9 (3/13/2020), now 10 (3/14/2020) Geoteaming programs have been postponed with over $30k of revenue.

* Washington banned all events over 250 people, now over 50 banned.

* Oregon banned all events over 250 people, now over 50 banned.

* Famous chef Tom Douglas closed 12 of his 13 restaurants.

* Tom Hanks tested positive for coronavirus

* Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and others cancelled conferences and mandated working from home.

* The NCAA cancelled March Madness

* The NBA and MLB suspended operations.

* Seattle colleges and schools are closed.

* Hate crimes again Asians have begun.

* And the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic.

I have told people that there are tremendous challenges with coronavirus…, BUT there are tremendous opportunities:

* Geoteaming signed over $80k for future programs.

YPO San Diego cancelled their conference and donated to the community with their resources, click to be inspired https://youtu.be/S5Qea1uW9ZE

Canlis, one of Seattle’s best fine dining restaurants, changed their entire business model in a week.  Click to see an incredible entrepreneur pivots. http://canlis.com. UPDATE: They had their first day and they had a line waiting for their amazing food, congrats!

* And Geoteaming develops an entirely new business line by opening up virtual team building.


Choose your date and register now at http://virtualteambuilding.eventbrite.com.

Do you manage teams?

Did you just get asked to work from home?

Do you want to maximize your online team work?

Then join me, John Chen, Geoteaming CEO and author of 50 Digital Team Building Games, as I provide this FREE webinar to give you interactive tips and tricks for team building on a web conferencing platform like Zoom.

With the threat of Coronavirus increasing daily and major employers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook sending employees to work from home, this is your opportunity to emerge as a leader by using these unique techniques to continue your productivity in your new environment.

During this session, you will:

* Learn best practices for team web conferencing

* Learn at least 3 interactive games to increase online team work

* Takeaway at least 1 key action to to future online work that increase productivity

NOTE: At the end of this program, you will be offered a more extensive online training to maximize your features that helps our company continue to do business.  Thank you in advance for your support and consideration.



What I have personally seen over the past 2 weeks is unprecedented. Many people have been personally and professionally devastated.  What I believe in my heart is that those who survive are those who ADAPT the fastest.  

I believe TEAMWORK is the key to making it through Coronavirus. 

I believe every one needs to recognize the enormous mental stress many people are under.  I believe that those who take care of their MENTAL HEALTH and their MENTAL STATE the most will be the best prepared to handle the stress and challenges to come.

I believe it’s beautiful when we find a way to WIN and be HUMAN in times of distress.

Please take the data and warnings seriously, if not for you, do it for the others.  I invite you to follow my Facebook feed for my latest, on-the-ground, updates and I send good thoughts to all of you loyal Geoteaming fans.

-John Chen

CEO & The Big Kid, Geoteaming

Team Building with Technology and Adventure that Creates Breakthroughs and Results (206) 856-8491

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