2/23/2020 Training Magazines Networks With Geoteaming’s Great (Digital) Escape Room Experience

At Training Magazine’s 2020 Conference, John Chen, Geoteaming CEO, led 200 people on The Great (Digital) Escape Room Experience.  The key purpose of this session was networking and showing a new way technology can be used for training. 

If you want the photos or videos from this program, just click here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjiL3rMHVKAAh_Z0M2Kbi_oCElb-bQ?e=vRol26 If the link does not work, just click here to request updated access.

If you want you want to know why the winning team won, join the “Why The Winning Team Won” webinar on 3/26/2020 11am PST by clicking https:/trainingmag.eventbrite.com.

Participants formed into teams,  networked and chose a team name and a team cheer.  Teams learned the goals and rules and how to use the Geoteaming app technology.

Teams learned that a 12 year old boy named Tom went to the doctor for a headache.

They learn it’s a rare brain cancer that only 10 people have had.

Together as a team, they have to complete the missions to save Tom’s life.

Tom survives his first brain surgery, but he needs to learn to walk again.

This was called “The Dance”.

Tom’s Dad calls the #1 doctor from TIME magazine and he picks up the phone.  Tom receives the best care.

Tom and his family need to move for his care.  Tom’s Dad’s previous employer offers him a job and tells him not to work.  “Take care of your family, then come take care of ours.”

Tom goes to see his favorite basketball team, the Portland Trailblazers.  They upgrade his ticket and after the game, Tom visits ALL the players in the locker room. 

Tom uses innovative medicine and care to beat his cancer.

In the middle of his treatment, Tom earns Taekwondo belts that help him build strength.

The tumor returned and became aggressive.  Tom and his family did E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G necessary to get a result.

Tom needed to consume over 3,000 calories a day to prevent getting sick from losing too much weight.

After 30 minutes, 99% of the teams saved Tom’s life.

The fastest team saved Tom in just 10 minutes.

Teams learned that The Great (Digital) Escape Room is based on the real life of Mark Thomas Dahl.

Every mission they completed happened in real life.

Hey my name is Mark Dahl and everything you just did in that game actually happened to me in real life. 20 years ago I was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer that only 10 people have ever had and a little over a year ago I walked into the neurologist and they sat down and got a nice gloomy look on their face and said hey we have bad news for you.  Then they told us they were firing themselves because I didn’t need to see them any more.  So after surviving 18 brain surgeries and building a team, I was able to become the first person that has been cured of that cancer. Never give up and never cut people off. Never take someone’s value for granted. You never know how they’re going to help you through something and you never know how you can help them.

Mark Thomas Dahl survived 18 brain surgeries and is cancer free today.

Most of all, every attendee learned that it takes teamwork to save a life and to “Build their networking long before they need it.”

Thank you to every team at Training Magazine 2020.
http://trainingconference.com. For more information on how to use a customized Digital Escape Room at your next training or conference, just fill out the form below.


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