A lot of companies are looking for a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, event or experience. We’re ready to make this happen for you!
At Geoteaming, we have designed something unique and really special. We partner with Clean The World so your company or organization can fuse CSR with team building and create something amazing for the community. It’s a win-win.
The GeoClean mission is for teams to compete with each other to build hygiene kits with the highest accuracy and fastest times. But sometimes teams discover the true meaning of team performance, read below!
GeoClean benefits and ROI:
- Unlock creativity
- Foster team collaboration, trust and communication
- Create a winning strategy
- Show teams the benefits of sharing best practices, which fosters broader cross-team and cross-company collaboration
- Refine decision-making skills
- Feel rewarded and valued by both giving and getting
“We gained a great sense of teamwork and best of all, it was an experience which taught us to communicate and trust one another. We recommend it for everyone!” – Nancy N., Activate, Inc.
“I would like to thank all the GeoClean teams, you were AWESOME! The homeless individuals that we work with will really appreciate what you did today.” – Mario C., Executive Director of PATH on building 600 hygiene kits worth $1,800.
And sometimes it’s personal:
One summer, with more than 500,000 acres on fire in the largest forest fire in Washington State, many of us were devastated by the images we saw and the lives that were lost, including three firefighters. We wanted, we needed to do something. So with a few quick phone calls, we pulled together 50 events industry leaders and packed more than 1,000 hygiene kits for firefighters and displaced families. If you watch this video closely, you’ll see each kit has a personal note. One team decided they didn’t care how fast they built kits, their goal was to write the best personal notes. John and a few friends loaded a car and trailer and drove 17 hours to personally deliver the kits in one day. The recipients of these care packages noticed, and appreciated, the personal notes.
What is your team’s goal? We’re ready to make it happen.
Are you ready? Request a quote or contact us.