1/4/2020 Breakthrough – A Goal Setting Experience

To set off the new year, we gathered to declare key goals that we want, defining exactly what we need to breakthrough to get that goal, and used the metaphor of breaking a board to accelerate the goal.

Using a system designed for Tony Robbins and other top presenters based on safety and personal transformation, each participant learned the 4 Key Beliefs For Breakthrough:

  1. If you give 100% you are successful no matter what the result.
  2. If you want the result, there is always a way.
  3. When you are centered, the entire universe is behind you.
  4. air = molecules, wood = molecules.  If I can put my hand through air, I can put my hand through wood.

They put their goal on the back of the board.  They put what was holding them back from their goal on the front of the board.  They put an X through what was holding them back and then broke through their fears to their goal.

“I was so surprised when I broke through the board!  I CAN do this!”

“The first time I was focusing on not hitting where the brick was…and I hit the brick, not breaking the board.  The second time I focused on hitting to beyond the goal and I broke through immediately!”

“I was so focused there was no way I was not going to breakthrough.  This reminded me of the focus I can have at any moment, the focus I need to make my goal.”

If you’d like to hold your own personal or business goal setting experience, just fill out the form below:


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