How does NPS Goal Academy train their future leaders?

11/7/19 Cohort A NPS GOAL Academy
11/8/19 Cohort B NPS GOAL Academy

When the National Park Service is looking for team building for their GOAL Academy, they called Geoteaming.  GOAL Academy is a leadership program where 50 top NPS team members from around the country are selected for a year of training.  During their opening session, they are taught MyersBriggs and the NPS values known as RITES (Respect, Integrity, Tradition, Excellence and Shared Stewardship).  To culminate the week, Geoteaming integrates MyersBriggs and RITES into a high-tech treasure hunt focused on team building and cross team collaboration.

This year’s program was based in the beautiful Joshua Tree Black Rock Visitor Center.  The group of 50 is divided into Cohort A and Cohort B. Each Cohort was then divided into 5 teams. During this program, participants learned how to stretch past their boundaries, how to recognize and adjust for other styles, and make key decisions using the NPS RITES values.

The result is a set of Geoteaming TeamOS Ground Rules that will guide the teams to high performance as they work on a service project throughout the year.

GOAL Academy work as a past participant just acquired a new job that he attributes to be willing to take a risk based on his experience and networking he got at GOAL Academy.

“Thank you for this incredible team building program that brings all of our training into action and set our GOAL Academy cohorts for success into the year!” – Program Leader

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