5/31/2018 Learnapalooza Seattle WA

GOAL: Be part of a team that creates a digital game based on an app.

SCENARIO: You’re a team of learning professionals that need to create a game that will help manager development in major competencies. The managers are 20-40 and love apps, technology and gaming. They are looking for creative learning that’s meaningful and applicable to their job.


  • Goal – Create a mission that meets the goal. Choose 1 major competency such as Communication.
  • Achievable – Create a mission that is achievable. Unachievable is “Take a photo of clear communication.”  Achievable is “Take a video of you teaching a communication competency in 60 seconds or less.”
    1. Photo – Take a photo to complete the mission
    2. Video – Take a video to complete the mission
    3. Trivia – Get the correct answer to a question
    4. Multiple Choice – Choose one answer out of multiple choices
    5. Augmented Reality – Create a 860hx645w pixel transparent photo with an object in it.
    6. Text – Write haiku or get an entry to manual with text.
  • Sharable – Create a mission that people would naturally want to share such as Instagramable photos with written thought bubble to videos with action such as dancing or cats.
  • Picture – You can add a picture or puzzle, just replace the URL with a link to a graphic from the internet. <a href=”http://geoteaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Alternative-Energy-Code.jpg”><img src=”http://geoteaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Alternative-Energy-Code.jpg” style=”width:300px;”>Click here to zoom image.</a>
    1. With each mission, you also need to create a square photo to represent the mission.
  • Video – You can get the participant to watch a video to get the answer. On any YouTube video, click Share, then Embed, and copy and paste the code into the mission.  <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/FpA_RhQRCWc” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>

To Install The Learnapalooza Game (valid until 5/31/2019):

Click HERE To Enter A New Mission.

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